In Toolbox Meetings, we focuses on safety, quality and technical topics related to the specific job. Meetings are normally short in duration and are generally conducted at the job site prior to the commencement of a job or work shift among managers, engineers, HSE officers, supervisors and all of workers. The activities of daily toolbox meeting includes:
- Opening music
- Notice of general safety: rapid notification and summary of safety issues of concern (site indicators, events and other relavant information…)
- Morning Exercise: follow the tracks of 8 movements
- General Safety Guide: conveying the safety situation at work thematically. Information about the pictures of breaking safety, quality and enviroment requirements (if any). Everyone chanted the same slogan: "Safety - Sigma; Quality - Sigma; Efficiency - Sigma "
- Toolbox meeting in groups, teams: Workers gather in groups or teams and discuss on instructions, note the dangerous situation on the job.
- Training safety and quality for new employees: after toolbox meetings, conduct safety training, quality basic training program of Sigma. Safety officers and supervíors have responsibility to check the details of personal information and keep records.
After many years of applying, we realize it is one of the very effective methods to refresh workers' knowledge, cover last minute safety checks, and exchange information with the experienced workers. We also intended to facilitate health and safety discussions on the job site and promote our organization’s safety culture and safety brefings.
Some pictures of daily toolbox meeting on site.