In the sunshine mixed with the whisper of the wind and salty sounds of the sea, the Ben Tre V1-3 wind farm project has gradually appeared with many works stretching over 12 km onshore and about 3 to 5 km offshore. Although the construction work faced many difficulties, with the spirit and bravery of Sigma people, the quality and progress of the project always met the set goals. The main items were being implemented at the construction site:
- Clearing bombs and mines works:
- Completed the clearance of bombs for the substation and TBA NMDG V1-3 Ben Tre, including the entire area of turbine cylinders from T01 to T07.
- Continuing to carry out the clearance of bombs of 22kv underground cable line;
- Ground leveling and road constructing road outside the station:
- Ground leveling and constructing road at TBA NMDG V1-3 Ben Tre area
- Removing organic coating, pumping sand and executing drainage systems, cable tunnels…
- Executing turbine cylinders:
- Receiving 07 locations of turbine foundation from the investor and handing to the constructor
- 110Kv transmission line works:
- Preparing equipment, steel poles, and constructing 06 pillar foundations (CS25, CS 27, CS28, CS29, CS30, CS43), the column positions have been handed over by the investor.
Here are some photos of the project:
Clearing bombs and executing of 110kW transmission line

Ground leveling and constructing roads outside the station of V1-3 project

Production of prestressed centrifugal piles DN 800 and construction of turbine

Working with local departments to coordinate the implementation of the project

The fiery sports spirit of Sigma Steering Committee at Ben Tre V1-3 wind farm project