"A drop of blood, a life to live", in the life of every person, everyone wants to have a good health, a happy life. But that road has never been flat. Birth, old age, illness, death - that harsh rule does not come from anyone, and every human being must walk in a different way. In society, there are many poor people who fall into poverty, illness. They are not eligible to buy blood to save themselves. They yearn to welcome everyone's precious blood. When we donate blood, even though it is only a small part, it gives hope to those who need it urgently such as traffic accident patients, organ transplants that need a lot of blood, or thalassemia...

With the consistent message "Every human being is born to live only once, live a happy and meaningful life". How happy and meaningful life is when knowing with certainty that somewhere in this life, a part of our body or blood is being merged into life, into the breath of someone who has ever been with them. I save lives. And this is an opportunity for each member of our Sigma family to implement "CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility" for the community and together we Participate in “Community Activities".

With the approval of the Board of Directors, Sigma will continue to cooperate with the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (NIHBT) to hold the program "Red Sunday" on 12nd January .
Blood donation has always been regarded as a particularly important event for the Sigma family. This will be an opportunity for each member to assert their responsibilities to the community and society. The charitable donation of voluntary blood donors will be expressed by the actions, responsibilities and sacred duties of each Sigma people.
Nothing is more wonderful when we, every Sigma know that a certain amount of our blood has contributed to saving a life. Not only that, after participating in blood donation, each member will be honored his contribution to society through a voluntary blood donation certificate, valid for the whole life. That not only brings pride to themselves, but also brings pride to the Sigma family. Donating blood, meaning simple as simple, but not everyone can do without understanding and sharing.
At present, the amount of blood stored at the Institute is scarce alarming, about to be exhausted and cause severe difficulties in the treatment, when many patients are in anxiety waiting for blood. The union of Sigma JSC and the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion call on the entire staff to participate in "Red Sunday" in 2020. Every member of Sigma, please share your heart to help those who can have the opportunity to live or prolong life with their precious blood and sincere heart, by registering to the "Red Sunday" 2020 program!