The audit meeting achieved its objectives, and the evaluation results were discussed with the Company's leadership representatives at the meeting. The general conclusions noted at the assessment are as follows:
- Policies and objectives are established that are compatible with the direction, strategy, and context of the organization
- Documented information, processes, and activities that have been planned to meet standards
- Commitment from the Top Leader
- Implement effective Kaizen processes to improve processes and activities
- Good infrastructure, highly qualified workers
In addition, the Company has also proven to operate its management system effectively, in accordance with standard requirements, relevant regulatory requirements, and other applicable requirements, specifically including:
- Continuously improve the performance of the OHS Management System
- Comply with OHS laws
- Achieving OHS goals and targets
Based on the audit results on October 14, the audit team will continue to propose to BSI Group to maintain the ISO 45001:2018 certification for SIGMA Engineering Joint Stock Company, based on the acceptance of a satisfactory corrective action plan for the minor nonconformity outlined in the report.
Here are some pictures from the review:

BSI's assessment session with participants being representatives of the Board of Directors, Head of Department and Safety Department