Pursuant to Decree 44/2016/ND-CP detailing several articles of the Law on Occupational Safety and Health regarding the technical inspection of occupational safety, training in occupational safety and health, and working environment monitoring.
The main contents of the training session include:
- Organize the apparatus, manage, and implement regulations on occupational safety and health at the grassroots; delineating responsibilities and assigning powers on occupational safety and health; basic knowledge of dangerous and harmful factors, preventive measures, improvement of working conditions; safety culture in production and business.
- Develop internal rules, regulations, processes and measures to ensure occupational safety and health; delineating responsibilities and assigning powers on occupational safety and health; safety culture in production and business; basic knowledge of dangerous and harmful factors, preventive measures, improvement of working conditions; formulating and urging the implementation of the annual occupational safety and health plan; analyze, assess risks and develop emergency response plans; building a management system on occupational safety and health; professional self-inspection; occupational accident investigation; requirements of inspection, training and monitoring of the working environment; manage machines, equipment, supplies and substances subject to strict requirements on occupational safety and sanitation; information, propaganda and training activities on occupational safety and health; first aid for occupational accidents and prevention of occupational diseases for employees; emulation, commendation, discipline, statistics, reports on occupational safety and health;
- Basic knowledge of occupational safety and hygiene:
- Policies and regimes on occupational safety and health for employees;
- Basic knowledge of dangerous and harmful factors in the workplace and methods to improve working conditions;
- Functions and duties of the safety and sanitation network;
- Safety culture in production and business;
- Regulations on occupational safety and hygiene, signs and signs indicating occupational safety and hygiene and the use of safety equipment and personal protective equipment;
- Professionalism and skills in first aid for occupational accidents and prevention of occupational diseases;
- General knowledge about machines, equipment, materials, and substances generating dangerous and harmful factors and methods of analysis, assessment and risk management related to work with strict requirements on occupational safety and hygiene that the trained person is doing; safe and hygienic working process; occupational safety and health techniques related to the work of employees.
- First aid skills for occupational accidents at work: First aid for fractures, emergency for pulmonary arrest, cardiac arrest, flesh wounds, etc.

Safety training at the Gelex Fairmont Hotel project
At the end of the training session, all staff at the project have basically mastered the policies and rules of labor safety, and know how to promptly handle risks during the construction process, improve efficiency in occupational safety and health, promote the Company's safety culture at the project.